


  • PD 榎本 孝文

榎本 孝文 博士(理学)
Takahumi Enomoto, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor




2019.03 総合研究大学院大学 物理科学研究科 構造分子科学専攻 5年一貫博士課程終了 博士(理学)
2019.04 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻 吉田・秋元研究室 特別研究員(JSPS PD)
2022.04 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻 吉田・秋元研究室 特任研究員
2023.10 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻 吉田 亮 研究室 助教


  1. “Autonomous Motion of Hydrogels Driven by Semi-Interpenetrating Chemical Processing Systems”
    H. Sun, W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, R. Yoshida
    ACS Macro Lett. , 13(11), 1503-1508 (2024).
  2. “Emergent Synchronous Volumetric Oscillation in Hierarchically Structured Self-Oscillating Gel Clusters”
    W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, R. Yoshida
    J. Phys. Chem. B, Accepted (2024).
  3. “Temperature-Adaptative Self-Oscillating Gels: Toward Autonomous Biomimetic Soft Actuators with Broad Operating Temperature Region”
    W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, R. Yoshida
    Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2400038 (2024).
  4. “Humidity responsiveness of a poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gel with a PEG/water mixed solvent”
    R. Makita, A. M. Akimoto, T. Enomoto, T. Nishimoto, X. Li, M. Shibayama, and R. Yoshida
    Polym. J., 56, 639–642 (2024).
  5. “Anisotropically Deforming Sandwich-Type Self-Oscillating Gels: A Hierarchical Model Platform of Cardiac Tissue”
    W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Chem. Mater., 36(4), 2007-2017 (2024).
  6. “Anisotropically self-oscillating gels by spatially patterned interpenetrating polymer network”
    S. Lee‡, W. S. Lee‡, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Soft Matter, 20, 796-803 (2024).
    (‡contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors.)
  7. “Molecular Insights into Photochemical Hydrogen Evolution Dual Catalysis within the Shell of Polymer Micelle-Based Nanoreactors”
    T. Enomoto*, Y. Tsuji, X. Li, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida*
    ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 6, (12), 10078-10086 (2023).
  8. “A surface-grafted hydrogel demonstrating thermoresponsive adhesive strength change”
    A. M. Akimoto, Y. Ohta, Y. Koizumi, T. Ishii, M. Endo, T. Enomoto, T. Nishimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Soft Matter, 19, 3249-3252 (2023).
  9. “Fabrication of Submillimeter-sized Spherical Self-oscillating Gels and Control of Their Isotropic Volumetric Oscillatory Behaviors”
    W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Soft Matter, (19), 1772-1781 (2023)
  10. “Capsule Self-oscillating Gels Showing Cell-like Nonthermal Membrane/shape Fluctuations”
    W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Mater. Horiz., 10, 1332-1341 (2023).
  11. “Region-dependent Volumetric Oscillation of Self-oscillating Gels with Transducer Gradients”
    W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    J. Mater. Chem. B, 10, 9887-9895 (2022).
  12. “Self-oscillating Triblock Terpolymer Exhibiting an Autonomous Sol-gel Oscillation with a Built-in Oxidizing Agent”
    T. Yoshizawa, M. Onoda, T. Ueki, R. Tamate, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Chem. Mater., 34, (14), 6460–6467 (2022).
  13. “Fabrication of Self-oscillating Gels by Polymer Crosslinking Method and Analysis on Their Autonomous Swelling-deswelling Behaviors”
    K. Sato, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Gels, 8 (5), 267 (2022).
  14. “Fabrication of comb-type self-oscillating gels by atom transfer radical polymerization for control of autonomous swelling/deswelling behavior”
    W. S. Lee, T. Enomoto, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    NPG Asia Mater, 14, 12 (2022).
  15. “Construction of a nano-phase-separated structure on a hydrogel surface”
    T. Nishimoto, T. Enomoto, C. H. Lin, J. G. Wu, G. Caidri, X. Li, S. C. Luo, A. M. Akimoto, and R. Yoshida
    Soft Matter, 18, 722-725 (2022).
  16. "Dirhodium-based Supramolecular Framework Catalyst for Visible-light-driven Hydrogen Evolution”
    P. Chinapang, H. Iwami, T. Enomoto, T. Akai, M. Kondo, and S. Masaoka
    Inorg. Chem., 60, 17, 12634-12643 (2021).
  17. "Effect of metal ion substitution on the catalytic activity of a pentanuclear metal complex”
    T. Akai, M. Kondo, S. K. Lee, H. Izu, T. Enomoto, M. Okamura, Y. Saga and S. Masaoka
    Dalton Trans., 49, 1384–1387 (2020).
  18. "Unveiling Latent Photoreactivity of Imines”
    D. Uraguchi, Y. Tsuchiya, T. Ohtani, T. Enomoto, S. Masaoka, D. Yokogawa and T. Ooi
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 3665–3670 (2020).
  19. "近赤外光を駆動力とする光誘起電子移動反応"
    榎本孝文, 正岡重行
    化学と工業, 72, 25 (2019).
  20. "歪んだフタロシアニン化合物を利用した近赤外光誘起電子移動反応"
    榎本 孝文
    Bull. Jpn. Soc. Coord. Chem., 73, 82-84 (2019).
  21. "Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Induced by Near-Infrared Light"
    T. Enomoto, M. Kondo and S. Masaoka:
    Chem. Asian J., 14, 2806-2809 (2019).
    Selected as a Very Important Paper(VIP)
  22. "Function-Integrated Ru Catalyst for Photochemical CO2 Reduction"
    S. K. Lee, M. Kondo, M. Okamura, T. Enomoto, G. Nakamura and S. Masaoka:
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 16899–16903 (2018).
  23. "Near-IR Light-Induced Electron Transfer via Dynamic Quenching"
    T. Enomoto, M. Kondo, M. Asada, T. Nakamura and S. Masaoka:
    J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 11282–11287 (2018).
  24. "In Situ Lipid Membrane Formation Triggered by Intramolecular Photoinduced Electron Transfer"
    T. Enomoto, R. J. Brea, A. Bhattacharya and N. K. Devaraj:
    Langmuir, 34, 750-755 (2018).
  25. "C(sp3)−H Cyanation Promoted by Visible-Light Photoredox/Phosphate Hybrid Catalysis"
    T. Wakaki, K. Sakai, T. Enomoto, M. Kondo, S. Masaoka, K. Oisaki and M. Kanai:
    Chem. Eur. J. , 24, 8051-8055 (2018).
  26. "Titania may produce abiotic oxygen atmospheres on habitable exoplanets"
    N. Narita, T. Enomoto. Masaoka and N. Kusakabe:
    Sci. Rep., 5, 13977 (2015).


  • 錯体化学会第66回討論会 最優秀ポスター賞 Dalton Transactions Award (2016)
  • 平成27年度 日本化学会 東海支部長賞 (2016)
  • 第27回配位化合物の光化学討論会 ポスター賞 (2015)
  • など


  • T. Enomoto
    “Core-crosslinked Polymer micelles as a Platform for Constructing Artificial Photosynthesic Systems”
    2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference, Online, November, 2021.
  • 榎本 孝文
    関東高分子若手研究会2021サマーキャンプ, オンライン, 2021年8月.
  • T. Enomoto
    “Near-IR Light-Induced Electron Transfer via Dynamic Quenching”
    43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, August, 2018.
  • 榎本 孝文
    アストロバイオロジーセンターワークショップ「極限環境の光合成」 2016年2月.
  • T. Enomoto, M. Kondo and S. Masaoka
    “Near-infrared Light Induced Electron Transfer Reaction Based on Highly Photostable Distorted Phthalocyanine”
    Third International Symposium on the Photofunctional Chemistry of Complex Systems, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December, 2015.
  • 榎本 孝文
    若手連携研究会「低温度星まわりの生命居住可能惑星を想定した光合成特性の連携研究」 2015年3月.